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PT-UK Quantum Sensing and Metrology Workshop


 Friday 19 November 2021 | 10:00 – 16:30

Jointly organised by the British Embassy in Lisbon and the PQI – Portuguese Quantum Institute, this workshop aims

at promoting the collaboration between Portugal and the UK in the domain of Quantum Sensing and Metrology.

The workshop is free, and taking place both online, and in person. Masks must be worn indoors, and social distancing observed.

Date: Friday 19 November 2021


Venue: Academia das Ciências de Lisboa
R. da Academia das Ciências, 19
Lisbon, Portugal


Registration: Registration is now closed.



10h00 - Welcome by the organisers, Yasser Omar and Isabel Godinho


10h05 - The UK Quantum Technology Programme focus on sensing, timing and metrology, Peter Knight


10h30 - Quantum Sensors for Gravity and their Applications, Kai Bongs


11h00 - Break


11h15 - Resilient Time for the Future, Leon Lobo


11h45 - Portuguese Time and Frequency distribution, Carlos Pires


12h15 - Lunch Break


14h00 - Optical atomic clocks: recent advances and future challenges, Helen Margolis


14h30 - Bi-frequency illumination: a quantum-enhanced protocol, Mateo Casariego


15h00 - Break


15h15 - The EURAMET project MEMQuD - Memristive devices as Quantum Standard for Nanometrology, Vitor Cabral and Susana Cardoso


15h45 - A wearable magnetoencephalography system based on optically pumped magnetometers, Richard Bowtell


16h15 - Closing remarks and discussion, Isabel Godinho and Yasser Omar


16h30 - End


Yasser Omar
Isabel Godinho